An effective beekeeping intervention
LÆS MEREThe removal of drone brood keeps the mite numbers down throughout the season
LÆS MEREFormic acid is an organic acid, which occurs naturally in honey. The correct use of formic acid in the treatment of varroa mite does not provide for significant traces of the acid in the resulting honey.
LÆS MEREThe most commonly used varroa treatment method in Denmark is that using Kramer boards ( these are soft , absorbent wood fibre boards).
LÆS MEREheat treatment of brood frames an effective physical method
LÆS MERELactic acid is an organic acid which is distributed widespread in nature. It is formed, for example, in the human body when energy is burnt as well as occurring naturally in honey and other foodstuffs. Furthermore, lactic acid is often added to our foodstuffs.
LÆS MEREIn recent years a great development in the production of formic acid vaporizers has taken place. We have tested several and found them good or acceptable.
LÆS MEREWith the production of new nuclei, one has more time for varroa treatment, and greater certainty that one decides oneself, how many colonies one has nest season.
LÆS MEREOxalic acid is an organic acid, which is found naturally in honey. The method is extremely effective, very quick and inexpensive.
LÆS MEREThe varroa mite is an organism which is optimally adapted to the honeybee
LÆS MERERead here on the background for the Danish varroa treatment directive. By the Consultants in Denmark’s Beekeeping Association
LÆS MEREThe varroa mite, together with attacks of virus are the cause of varroa disease. The Danish strategy for combating the virus is built on a need based strategy without the use of pesticides.
LÆS MEREThe varroa-mite is now found in allmost all danish beecolonies. Varroa-destructor is a parasite - living in beecolonies - killing the colony in few years.